Throwback Tnursday

I am pleased to share a Throwback Thursday that goes wayyy back.

I have been very busy cleaning out my parents house of all the stuff I left behind when I moved out 5 years ago.

Among all the stuff that I left behind was my prom dress from my senior prom back in 2006. What’s so special about my old prom dress you ask!?

Because it was my very 1st refash before refashioning was popular! Plus this was when my dad taught me how to use a sewing machine!

For my dress I started with a long black silk skirt I had from another formal dress, a black bustier and some b&w print fabric.DSCN0360Sorry I couldn’t model this one for you but as you can see the top is SUPER teeny! Sadly I can no longer fit into my dress 😦

DSCN0362I added the material to the back and tucked it up with two white buttons.

DSCN0363I also hand stitched the material to the straps to the bustier and ended it into bows!

DSCN0361Not too shabby for my very 1st refash 🙂

Happy Refashioning!!!

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